The PSHB (Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer) Beetle has recently been identified in South Africa, and the consequences of having this little beetle in our country means devastation to our local landscapes, cities, towns and farms. Within the first year it has spread to countless regions all over the country, and also in other African states.
The destruction to our beautiful trees can be of biblical proportions! Up till now the big problem has been the inability to reach both the beetle and the fusarium fungus at the depth that they penetrate into tree trunks and branches. With our unique Natural Propriatary Liposomal Technology delivery system we have overcome this problem and now proudly introduce a product range for this problem, which is a world first.

The invasive Beetle Affects Trees in 3 Ways:
The PSHB beetle, an invasive species, has been found to impact trees in three significant ways. Firstly, the beetles bore random tunnels inside the tree, which can impede normal plant functioning and vitality. Secondly, they leave behind trace elements of fungi that can rob the upper portions of the tree of its natural water supply.
Finally, the Fusarium fungi can spread throughout the sapwood section and eventually block all transport of nutrients and water to the upper tree sections, causing the tree to die. However, there are methods available to assist trees in recovering from these wounds and enhancing their cellular activity. Introducing Panaf Technology.
Pan African Farms Technology:
Thus far, researchers worldwide, and particularly in the USA could not find a suitable product or mechanism for the large-scale treatment of trees. The main reasons for their inability to find solutions are:
Inability of treatments to penetrate through the various layers of timber, but also through the related barrier functions.
The various layers are interspersed by barriers of hydrophobic and hydrophilic nature, which requires an amphiphilic approach
Most toxins have not been designed for its systemic functioning, or at best display limited systemic activity, and therefore have limited application for this particular problem.
Drug resistance is a continuous problem and its manifestation could be expected within a relatively short space of time. This applies to both Insecticidal and fungicidal products.
The indiscreet use of popular surfactants can cause additional damage to an already heavily compromised tree.
Development cost will be prohibitive and will add to the product price
Time to develop an alternative will take 9 years on average by which time the damage will be disastrous
Nano Technology:
Pan African Farms Natural Proprietary Liposomal Technology provides plants with a safe, effective way to absorb nutrients, water, and essential compounds directly at the cellular level. This enhances the plant’s ability to fight off various stresses—abiotic, biotic, or oxidative—by delivering nutrients exactly where they are needed, helping the plant adapt and become more resilient over time. Unlike conventional surfactants, our liposomal technology offers a natural delivery system without harmful toxins.
In a study, ANODS was sprayed onto the bark and showed insecticidal effects as deep as 10cm into the tree. ANODS also demonstrated the ability to penetrate through the cell wall of fungi and completely destroy a Fusarium wall.
S1- Beetles dying 10cm inside the tree trunk
S2- Dead Beetles discharged around tree trunk
S3- Beetles dying 4cm inside the tree trunk
S4- Beetle count after DAY 2 - 691
S1- PSHB SUPPLEMENTARY SURFACTANT mixed with Cypermethrin 2%
S2- Commercial Cypermethrin 20%
S3- Green coloured ANODS at a depth of 2,5cm
S4- Green coloured ANODS at a depth of 10,7cm
S5- Fusarium treated with PSHB FUNGICIDAL after 8min
S6- Fusarium treated with PSHB FUNGICIDAL after 10min (note changes in colour)
S7- Fusarium treated with PSHB FUNGICIDAL after 100min (note less Fusarium)
S8- Fusarium treated with PSHB FUNGICIDAL after 105min (note cell wall perforation) Zoomed in